Another Love Piano Sheet Music

Tom Odell

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  • Level 51/100 (Ambitious)
  • Scoring Piano Solo
  • Genre Pop & Rock
  • Availability Download available Not available

Arrangements of Another Love

Tom Odell Piano Solo E Minor5 51/100 (Ambitious) US$4.40
Other Arrangements
Tom Odell Accompaniment E Minor7 56/100 (Advanced) US$4.40

Learn more about "Another Love" by Tom Odell

This is not an easy arrangement, but worth every effort! Starting off in E minor with the distinct piano intro which will repeat itself throughout the song, things quieten down before gaining momentum towards the final notes that are once more played with an air of quiet resignation.

Tom Odell’s heartbreaking song, initially his 2012 platinum - selling debut single about a doomed relationship, gained a powerful new meaning in 2022 when Ukrainians started to share it on Tiktok with pictures of their lost home country to express their feelings of grief.

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