Hallelujah Piano Sheet Music

Leonard Cohen

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  • Level 55/100 (Ambitious)
  • Scoring Piano Solo
  • Genre Pop & Rock
  • Availability Download available Not available

Arrangements of Hallelujah

Leonard Cohen Piano Solo C Major11 55/100 (Ambitious) £3.50
Other Arrangements
Leonard Cohen Leadsheet C Major2 7/100 (Early Beginner) £3.50
Leonard Cohen Piano Solo C Major2 19/100 (Beginner) £3.50
Leonard Cohen Piano Solo C Major3 44/100 (Ambitious) £3.50

Learn more about "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen

This song addresses its structure in its lyrics: "It goes like this from fourth to fifth, the minor fall, and the major lift." Play the original rising and falling bassline in a 12 / 8 rhythm with your left hand, and the powerful melody with your right hand. Vary expression as you repeat verses and chorus in the sheet music for piano.

Written by Canadian singer - songwriter Leonard Cohen in 1984, and released on his album "Various Positions", it has gained worldwide recognition, and its many cover versions have topped the charts throughout the years. But did you know that the first time the composer’s original version entered the US charts was in 2016 after Cohen’s death?

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